Sunday, March 25, 2007

Welcome to the Bog-o-sphere

Last Friday Kirk and I went for a run over to Lebanon Hills, our favorite local park. To call it a park seems a little offensive. It would be like calling Mike N. a little wordy. The park is huge and full of what most people think of as hiking trails. Kirk and I consider them running trails.

Considering that there is still ice on the ground in some spots it was no surprise that the trails were a little muddy. It reminded me of stories my brother used to tell about participating in the "Bog Jog" at Boy Scout camp. I remember thinking how fun it sounded to run through all that mud and muck. Friday's run was probably as close as I'll get to that experience. Except for the time in the Boundary Waters where I went into the muck up to my waist, but that didn't include any jogging, so it doesn't count.

1 comment:

Wally W said...

Nice shoes. Ours get a little sandy but nothing like that....
