Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hopping on the bandwagon

I always used to think I was keeping up with the kids until I realized I had no idea what "Bluetooth" was or why I should want Bluetooth devices. In December I stretched my limits by sending a photo from my phone to my PDA via Bluetooth then transfering it to my computer (using wires...so oldschool). Seems sort of round about, but it was a good test of my technological skills.

Blogging falls into the same category, something all the cool kids are doing and I feel left in the dust. I guess in some ways I'm just hopping on the bandwagon with everyone else by starting a blog, but I think it will serve as a good lesson and will force me to keep up with the Jonses (and Kirk, who started his own blog months ago).

The Blog name, by the way, was created because I was so discouraged by the lack of available blog names. All of the clever names were taken, so I finally started typing in words that remind me of happy times. TVsnacks are some of my favorite cookies that Kirk makes every once in a while...it's been a long time since he last baked them for me, but I was craving them on the Saturday morning that I created this blog. Some day I'll post the recipe.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Welcome to the bandwagon. You'll soon be blog queen!